
Shocking Amount Of Empty Seats At TREASURE’s Fanmeet Sparks Heated Reactions

Recent images of empty seats at TREASURE’s fan meet event in Tokyo have ignited a fierce debate among K-Pop fans, with many pointing fingers at YG Entertainment’s alleged greed and mismanagement.

The controversy erupted after a viral post on Pann showcased the sparsely attended third-level seating at TREASURE’s Tokyo fan meet. The post, which garnered over 40,000 views, highlighted the apparent failure to sell tickets for this particular section, sparking widespread criticism.

A Rushed Schedule and Overwhelmed Fans

Fans argue that the disappointing turnout isn’t entirely the group’s fault but rather a result of YG Entertainment’s rushed planning and overambitious scheduling. The Tokyo fan meet was reportedly a last-minute addition to a series of events, making it the third show in the city. This sudden scheduling, coupled with a grueling itinerary, left many fans unable to attend.

YG Entertainment has scheduled an unprecedented 23 fan meets in Japan this year alone, with nearly 50 performances in total. This intensive schedule has stretched fans’ financial and time resources thin, leading to frustration and disappointment.

Criticism of YG Entertainment’s Priorities

The packed schedule has led to accusations that YG Entertainment is prioritizing profit over the well-being of both TREASURE and their fans. Critics argue that the sheer volume of events reflects a focus on maximizing revenue rather than ensuring quality and fan engagement.

Some fans have taken to social media to voice their concerns, stating:

“It’s not a failure; it’s just that the fan meet tour was rushed. The Tokyo performances were added last minute, making it the third show there. Fans don’t have unlimited money; how can they attend all these events?”

“YG seems obsessed with money. TREASURE is performing almost 50 times in Japan this year. They’re spending more time in Japan than in Korea—how can they still be called a K-Pop group?”

“This is proof of poor management. Even more popular groups in Japan don’t schedule this many events. The Japanese fans must be extremely fed up to voice their frustrations publicly.”

TREASURE’s Current Position and Future Outlook

The intense schedule has led to speculation that TREASURE, as YG Entertainment’s primary revenue generator at the moment, is being overworked. Fans fear that the group’s well-being and career trajectory could be compromised by such relentless touring schedules.


The backlash against YG Entertainment highlights ongoing concerns about the management and treatment of K-Pop groups. With TREASURE at the center of this storm, fans are calling for a more balanced approach that respects both the artists’ and fans’ needs. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how YG Entertainment will address these concerns and adjust its strategy moving forward.

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