Despite the immense success of Netflix’s original series “Squid Game,” actor Son Suk-ku has made headlines for turning down a role not once, but twice. His decision has sparked curiosity among fans and industry insiders alike, especially given the show’s global impact.
Initial Offer for Season One
According to a close acquaintance of Son Suk-ku, he was approached during his time at a former agency to play the role of Cho Sang-woo, which ultimately went to actor Park Hae-soo. After careful consideration, Son decided to decline the offer. At that time, both he and his agency were intrigued by the project but had no inkling that it would become a worldwide phenomenon.
“I would be lying if I said I had no regrets after the first season became a worldwide hit,” the acquaintance revealed. “But I remember thinking there was an actor for every role.”
Turning Down Season Two
Reasons for Declining Again
When offered a chance to participate in “Squid Game” Season Two, Son Suk-ku initially intended to accept. However, after reviewing the script, he found that the main roles had already been somewhat confirmed, which raised concerns about his potential screen time and the overall plot dynamics. Additionally, he was scheduled to film for the Disney+ drama Casino, complicating his availability.
“Although he had every intention to appear, there were differing opinions about the amount of screen time,” the acquaintance explained.
Reflecting on the Series
In a previous appearance on a variety show in 2022, Son Suk-ku expressed admiration for “Squid Game,” noting its fresh perspective on survival dramas. He appreciated how the series emphasized teamwork rather than just individual competition.
“From a director’s perspective, the show feels very fresh. Unlike the typical death game of killing each other, it was touching to see a setting of forming teams and working together,” he stated.
The Impact of Choices in an Evolving Industry
Son Suk-ku’s decision to turn down roles in “Squid Game” highlights the complexities actors face in balancing career opportunities with personal and professional considerations. As the series continues to evolve and expand its universe with new characters and storylines, fans are left wondering what might have been if Son had chosen differently. Regardless, his focus on upcoming projects like Virus, Nine Puzzle, and More Beautiful Than Heaven ensures that he remains a prominent figure in the industry.